
Sabahudin Hadžialić


Socijalistička misao je bila religija ideologije. Kapitalistička misao jeste ideologija religije.

Socialist thought was an religion of the ideology. Capitalist thought is ideology of the religion.


Ono sto ne mozemo spoznati nerijetko ismijavamo. Ni ne shvatajuci da upravo to...sebi cinimo!

The issue which we can not understand very often we laughed at. Bt, we do not understand that we are doing that to...ourselves by all means!


Revolucija je invalid sopstvenih nakana. Poslije svega!

Revolution is an invalid of its own intentions. After all!


Radovan Karadžić se nije pojavio danas u sudnici u Den Haagu. Imao je neodlozan sastanak sa Draganom Dabićem!

Radovan Karadžić did not show up today at the Court room in Den Haag. He had irremisible meeting with Dragan Dabić!


Bosna i Hercegovina konačno zna ko su joj otac i majka!? Otac je MITO a majka KORUPCIJA!

Bosnia and Herzegovina finally know who are her parents?! Father is BRIBE (MITO) and mother is CORRUPTION (KORUPCIJA)!


Rat je zaista bio bolji...Bar si znao ko je neprijatelj. Bar nakratko...

The War was really better...At least you knew who was the enemy. At least for the short period of time...


Definicija Velikog brata na ovdasnjim televizijama: As much as possbile connecting, as less as possible thinking!

Definition of the Big brother on Balkan TV stations: Sto je vise moguce povezivanja, i sto je manje moguce razmisljanja!


Apatija gradjana nije izuzetak koji potvrdjuje pravilo. Na Balkanu to je pravilo koje iskljucuje izuzetak!

Apathy of the citizens is not an exception that proves the rule. In the Balkans it is a rule that excludes the exception!


Istina oslobadja! Da, ali kako ce kad ovdje jos uvijek ne postoji samo jedna...istina?!

The truth liberates. Yes, but how will do that when here does not exist only one...truth?!


Srbima i Hrvatima je preko glave i njih samih! Jedino Bosnjaci, pardon muslimani ne znaju s kim su a protiv koga!?

Serbs and Croats are fed up with themselves over their heads! Only Bosniaks, muslims does not know with whom they are and against whome!?


Ne okreći se, sine. Ne vrijedi. Kao nekada!

Do no turn back, my son. Doesn't worth. As use to be!


Pisati nije tesko. Tesko je znati pisati!

It is not difficult to write. It is difficult to know how to write!


Bolna istina: Stranke na vlasti u BiH su tu da štite tajkune, lopove i kriminalce od novinara i istine!

Painfull truth: The Parties on the power in BIH are here to protect tycoons, thieves and criminals from journalists and the truth!


Da li je na ovim prostorima ikada rat prestao? Ne! Uzeli su pauzu za ručak!

Have ever war finished here? No! They took a break for lunch!


Pisac je kao leptir. Dok ne dodje do čitatelja!

Writer is like a butterfly. Until he riches the reader!


BiH 2009-2020: Dogovorice se oni..dogovoriti...da se dogovore!

BiH 2009-2020: They willl agree!


Balkan je bure baruta! Ko ga uveze, nanu mu naninu!

Balkan is the barrel of the gunpowder! Who was the importer, m....f...!


Vlasti BiH su ostvarile komunistički san...uzimaju prema potrebama!

The political authorities have met the communist dream....they are taking everything according to their needs!


Treba voljeti Bosnu (i Hercegovinu) u sebi a ne sebe u Bosni (iHercegovini)!

Someone should love Bosnia (and Herzegovina) within his/herself and not his/herself within Bosnia (and Herzegovina)!


Zbog cega se mrzimo? Pa, mi smo samo tri plemena istog naroda! Ali, kojeg?

Why we hate each other? So, we are just three tribes of the same people! But, whose?


Zbog čega EU ne vidi šta se dešava u BiH? Zbog toga što ne može istovremeno zadovoljavati Velikog brata i spašavati male ljude!

Why EU can not see what is going on in BiH? Because Europe can not, in the same time, make satisfaction for the Big brother and save little people!


U zadnje vrijeme se pitam da li je Bosna i Hercegovina sastavni dio Republike Srpske a ne obrnuto?

Lately I am asking myself if Bosnia and Herzegovina is the part of Republic of Srpska instead vice versa?


Sunce ja zašlo za oblake. A vala nije ni bilo član naše stranke!

The sun went behind the clouds. Who cares when the sun was not even the member of our party!


Jos malo i izborna će godina. A stoka i dalje na ispašu ide u nadi da će preživjeti!

Just in a few months and election year is coming...The cattle goes to the valley for the pasture with the hope that will survive...


U Sarajevu, Banja Luci i Mostaru se ponovo, po ko zna koji put, igraju bogova...Jadnici ne vide i ne znaju da svi idemo u zemlju bas kao sto smo dosli na nju...goli i bosi...

In Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Mostar they are playing again like Gods...Pitiful as they are, they do not know and can not see that all of us will enter the ground as we came on it...naked and barefoot...


Svjetlo jos uvijek gori. No, niko ne vidi da je svijeća pri kraju. I tinja!

The light is still on. But, nobody see that the candle is at the end. And smolder!


Radostan sam. Konačno su namjere BH političara ogoljene do srži: Građana i seljaka!

I am happy. Finally, the intentions of the politicians are denuded down to the marrow: Citizens and the peasants!


Odlučio sam kapitalistom postati. Ubio sam čovjeka u sebi!

I have decided to become a capitalist. I have killed a human baing in me!


Prije 2000 godina Isus Hrist/Krist je donio DOBRO Svijetu. I Muhhamed je isto učinio malo kasnije. No, pitam se da li smo dobro čuli?

Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ brought the GOOD to the World. Mohamed did the same little bit later. But, I wonder if we heard that correct



Reis Cerić rekao da je Turska naša mati! Da li imamo samo jednog oca ili...više njih?

Grand mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Reis Ceric, have said that Turkey is our mother. Do we have one father...or more of them?


Političari su odlucili stati u kraj organiziranom kriminalu. Izvrsice kolektivno samoubistvo!

Politicians has decided to end with organized crime. They will do the collectively suicide!


U trenutku kada nas emocije ponesu, razum stoji na mjestu.

In the moment when emotions takes us away, intellect stays put. On a spot!


Neki ljudi imaju sve a nemaju nista dok drugi nemaju nista, ali imaju sve!

Some people have everything and through that do not have anything, but some people have nothing and through that have everything.


Još jedan Ministar Vlade FBiH dao ostavku. Nešto da i oni daju.


Razvlače nam pamet. Dobro je dok je još uvijek imamo.


Srbija je dobacila do Pala. Bosna i Hercegovina ne može ni toliko!


Karadžić je dželat povijesti. Ali, Dabić je heroj istorije!


Kusturica i Sidran će se sastati poslije devetnaest godina. Da li su se ikada i rastali?


U Bosni i Hercegovini se pravi šerijatska država. Meni žena ne da!


Doktori medicine u BiH nisu potkupljivi danas. Rodjeni su takvi!

Doctors of medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina are not venal today. They have been born like that!


Književnik u BiH je potrošna roba. Onoga trenutka kada napiše prvu riječ!

The writer in Bosnia and Herzegovina is consumable good. As soon as he wrote the first word!


Oliver Stone i Hugo Chavez su Stanlio i Olio. Novog Svjetskog Poretka.


Kažu da crkva i džamija podržavaju Internet. Kako kad ništa o tome ne piše ni u Kuranu svetom ni u Bibliji?

It is known that Catholicism, Ortodoxism and Islam support Internet. How that can happen when nothing about that was written in Holly Kuran and/or Bible?


Neki ljudi imaju sve a nemaju ništa dok drugi nemaju ništa, ali imaju sve!

Some people have everything and through that do not have anything, but some people have nothing and through that have everything.


Komunizam nije propao dovoljno duboko. Pogledajte vlast!

Communism haven't got down deeply enough. Check out the Government!


Dekadentnost kao vrlina: Sponzoruše imaju svoj šou na TV! Decadence as the virtue: Gold-digger woman has its own show on TV!


Mislim, dakle nisam. Iako jesam!


Rekao je da ga niko ne može zaustaviti. Ostade na spomeniku zapisano.


Ratni zločinci se puštaju na slobodu. Iz humanitarnih razloga.


Mislis li da mislis? Ako mislis, onda dobro...

Do you think that you think? if you think, than OK...


Kako postati ambasador BiH? Neznanjem do uspjeha.


Po čemu se razlikuju političari u BiH. Samo po tome da li su obrezani ili ne!


Bio je ekspert. Hala i kanala!


Pedofilija? Provjerite u džamiji i crkvi.


Socijaldemokrati u BiH su izdajice. Komunizma!


Cuko i mačka su prijatelji. Samo u crtanim filmovima.


Pioniri maleni to su vojska prava...džamijska i crkvena.


Multikultura u Sarajevu, Banja luci i Mostaru. Rodiće vrba, rodiće...


Mak Dizdar je otjeran u smrt, vele. Da mi je znati kako je to kada sam odeš...u smrt!


Vjerovati da necinjenje ne donosi nista je jednako vjerovanju da cinjenje donosi sve!

Believing that doing nothing brings nothing is equal to the believing that doing is bringing everything!


Svjetlost je refleksija odgovarajucih frekvencija. Istina je frekvencija odgovarajućih refleksija. Stvarnosti.


Ujedinjene nacije su ujedinjene onoliko koliko i bombe u Jerusalimu. Na obje strane.


U Hrvatskoj radnici preuzimaju tvornice. Da nije vaskrsnuo Broz?

In Croatia workers are overtaking the factories. Are we talking about resurrection of Josip Broz Tito?


Opsovali su mu majku. On njima državu!

NSP pravda:
Roman Polanski uhapšen u Švajcarskoj 2009.g. A pedofilski čin počinio 1978.g!


Pobjegao sam od gluposti. Postao sam lud!


Sastala se dva premijera u BiH. Domaća!


Kosovo traži nastavak priznanja. Srbija se buni. I tako sve do Sudnjega dana!


Osniva se nova stranka u BiH. Zvaće se SNAGA BOSNE. Na izdisaju!

The new political party will be soon established in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The name is POWER OF BOSNIA. On a gasp/breath!


Ne mogu biti političar. Dobar sam čovjek!


Kažu da će rata opet biti. A i nije neka vijest!

They have said the war will appear again! But, it is not a real news story, at all!


Alija Izetbegović povratnicima: „Kakav povratak. Čuvajte vi kućice. Dat ćemo vam kravice!“ Ellhamdulillah.


Edhem Bičakčić je moralan čovjek. Zbog političkog postupka protiv njega ne želi dati ostavku na mjesto Predsjednika Islamske zajednice BiH. Na krivičnom sudu.


Zbog zloupotrebe položaja. Političari su odlučili stati u kraj organiziranom kriminalu. Izvršiće kolektivno samoubistvo!


U trenutku kada nas emocije ponesu, razum stoji na mjestu.


Bosna i Hercegovina: Zemlja bez naroda i narodi bez zemlje. Bosnia and Herzegovina:

The land without the people and the people without the land.

Zli nisu bili zli. Dobri su ih ucinili takvim!

The evil people were not evil. The good ones made them like that!


Upitate li se nekada u čemu je razlika između terorista i globalizacije: Želiš li biti besmrtan? Usmrti hiljadu ljudi!

Do you ask yourselves sometimes what is the difference between the terrorists and the globalization: Do you want to be immortal? Just kill thousand people!


Nekad je ovo zemlja bila. Danas je i više od toga. Prah sami!

This used to be a soil land (country). Today is even more than that. Dust itself!


Kada ne znas sta ces uspostavi Komisiju, govorio je Cercil. U Bosni i Hercegovini kada ne znas sta ces uspostavi novi sudnjega/kijametskog dana!

When you do not know what to do, establish a Commission, Churchill have said. In Bosnia and He...rzegovina when you do not know what to do, establish a new deadline...until the Judgment day!


Balkan nije stanje svijesti Zone sumraka. Zona sumraka je stanje svijesti na Balkanu.

Balkan is not the state of the conscience of the Twilight zone. The Twilight zone is the state of the conscience on Balkans.


Jesenje sunce nije pretpostavka odlaska ljeta vec dolaska zime. I ljudske ali i prirodne!

Autumn sun is not a presumption of the running away summer but coming of the winter. Human, but also a natural one!


Nikola Tesla je otkrio naizmjeničnu struju. I tada smo pravili probleme Svijetu!

Nikola Tesla has discovered alternating current. So, even than we create problems to the World!

Istina oslobadja. U Bosni i Hercegovini ne! Tamo gdje svi kradu, nitko ne krade!

The truth liberates. In Bosnia and Herzegovina-NO! In the place where everybody steals, nobody does that!


Dzenetski pakao je isto sto i rajski dzehenem. Bol je istovjetna.

Dzenet hell is the same as paradise dzehenem. The pain is the same.


Pisati o ljubavi, blagosti, sreci...u vremenu zla. Hocu, kada zlo prvo istjeram iz sebe!

To write about love, tenderness, the time of evil. I will, but first to get out the evil..from myself!


Idealna predizborna godina. Puca se na sve strane!

Ideal pre-election year. Shootings on all sides!


Nacional-komunisticka parola: Kada mi činimo zločine, mi se branimo. A kada se branimo, mi činimo zločine!

National-communist parole: When we are doing war crimes, we are defending ourselves. Ande, when we are defending ourselves, we are doing war crimes!


Bosanskohercegovačka sumorna stvarnost: Današnja elita je jučerašnja sirotinja. Revolucija, ipak, ne jede svoju djecu!

Bosnian gloomy reality: Today's elite is the yesterday's poverty. Revolution, however, does not eat its children!


Te tri slatke riječi: štrajkovi, protesti i ubistva!..Dobro došli u Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Dženetski raj na zemlji...

Those three sweet words: strikes, protests and murders...Welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the dzenet paradise on Earth...


Švaleracija je hit među bosanskohercegovačkim političarima. Još kada bi znali čiji je u čijoj, pardon, u čijem.

Cheating of his wife is the hit among bh politicians. What would happen even when thez would know whose(he) in whose (she), sorry, in whose (he).


Nisam vise pesimista. Postao sam ljutiti optimista. Revolucijo moja!

I am not pessimist any more. I became angry optimist, my dear Revolution!


Mimika bezglasja vapi za otrežnjenjem Avaj, i to je ovdje kontrolisano!

Mime without a voice are seeking for disillusion. Alas, that is also under the control over here!


U Indiji današnji prosjaci postaju gradonačelnici. U Bosni i Hercegovini to čine bivši. In India, today's beggars became Mayors. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former ones do that.


Kazu da su odbranili zemlju. A non-stop nam prijete ratom!

They have said that they have defended country. But, still they are threatening us with a new war!


Nije teško pisati knjige. Teško je znati pisati! It is not difficult to write the books. It is difficult to know how to do it!


Dvadeset godina slušam o pravnoj drzavi koja pocinje od ponedjeljka. Promijenite plocu. Neka bude od petka...poslije dzume!

Twenty years I am listening about the rule of law which will start from next Monday. Please, do change the record. Let it be from next Friday....after Friday's noon pray!


Vražja/Sejtanska istina: Hag je dobar dok ne dira naše. Poslije je loš!

Devil's truth: International tribunal for war crimes in Den Haag is good until he captures our people. After that, Den Haag is bad!


Sanjam o dobrom. U vremenu zla. I ne budim se. Krvavo je buđenje ovdje. Uvijek.

I am dreaming about the good. Within the time of evil. Do not want to wake up. Here is always bloody wakiening.


Multikultura u Sarajevu, Banja Luci i Mostaru. Rodiće vrba, rodiće...

Multiculture in Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Mostar. The willow will bears greapes...will do that...will

Mijenjam BH pasoš za život. Ni jedan ni drugi ne vrijede!
I would like to change BH passport for the life. Not even either one worth a dime.


Makedonija još uvijek nema ime. Grci drže ključeve matične kancelarije.
Macedonia still does not have a name. Greece is holding the keys of the registrar office.


Izazivam na dvoboj Čovića, Tihića i Dodika:Nabrojite mi svoja dobra djela, potomstvo i knjige. Al' da nisu od drugih i drugačijih!
I am challenging you: Covic, Tihic and Dodik (politicians)- please do count your good things which you have done, your descendants and books. And that does not belong to other and different ones!


Vlada ne laže nas. Ne! Ona govori istinu. Svoju.
Government does not lie to us. No! They are telling the truth. Of their own.


Njiha su na vlasti. Sviha smo donji.
Thay ere un powir. Oll if as are duwn hull


Još malo pa će virus gripe H1N1 biti kriv i za recesiju! O tempora, o mores!?
Very soon the virus H1N1 will be the guilty one for the recession also! O tempora, o mores?!


Hoću da budem normalan!Jedno je tražiti a drugo biti.
I would like to be normal. One thing is to ask and totally different one is to be!


„Nebo je granica!“...reče Ikar.
„The sky is the limit.“..Ikar have said.


Kada je na vlasti aspolutna nula i obična nula u opoziciji je Jack pot!
When on the power is absolute zero, even the ordinary zero in opposition is the Jack pot!


Ako danas u Sarajevu nekome kažeš DOBAR DAN, odmah te pita da nisi Meteorolog jer Musliman sigurno nisi!
Today if you tell somebody in Sarajevo GOOD DAY, immediately he asks you if you are Meteorologist, because your are not a Muslim, for sure!


U Sarajevu se non-stop puca. Kao u najboljim danima!
Shootings every day in Sarajevo. Like in the best days of its own!


Umro je Les Paul. Što će Sveti Petar zasvirati?
Les Paul has died. What St. Peter will play?


U Hrvatskoj je na sceni talibanizacija. U Bosni (iHercegovini) je taj proces završen!
Talibanisation is the process in Croatia right now. In Bosnia and has been accomplished!


Predramazanski filmski festival je završen. U Sarajevu. A gdje bi drugdje!?
Pre-Ramadan Movie festival is finished. In Sarajevo. Where else?


Postao sam jedan od tajanstvenih. Ušao sam u križaljke!
I became to be one of the mystery ones. Entered a crosswords.


Otvorila se nova prodavnica u B(iH). Mozete kupiti ljude svih profila.
New shop is open in Bosnia and Herzegovina. You can by people of all profiles.


Kada hologramski arheolozi budu otkopavali naše ostatke za 2000 godina bit će nemalo iznenadjeni: sve životinja do životinje!
When hologram archeologists diged up our remains 2000 years from now, they will be surprised: animal after animal!


Nije obraćao pažnju na nas. I dalje je govorio istinu!
He did not pay attention on us. He was continuing in telling the truth!


Nagodio se sa tužiocem. Oteo mu je sina!
Ha made a deal with prosecutor. Kidnapped his son!


World Trade Centar 2001: Mama, hoću kući. Ne može sine, sad će avioni!
World Trade Center 2001: Mum, I want to go home. You can not go my son. Airplanes are coming any minute now!
Prije rata nije imao ništa. Ni danas nema ništa. Osim para!
Before the war he did not have anything. Today he does not have anything. Except the money!
Federacija BiH ne funkcioniše juna 2009.g! Da mi je znati konačno kako izgleda kada...funkcioniše.
Federation BiH does not function in June 2009. I would like to know how it looks like when it is in….function.
Bosna (iHercegovina) 2009: Podijelimo se da se zbližimo.
Zbližimo se da se podijelimo.
Bosnia (and Herzegovina( 2009): Lets divide to get closer. Lets get closer to divide.
Nisam bježao od istine. Samo sam hitao ka laži!
I was not running away from the truth. I was just running towards the lie!
MISLITI I BITI: Pisci koji nešto znače u ovoj državi su na stubu srama. A o drugima da ne govorim! TO BE AND TO THINK: The writers that mean something in this country are on the pillory. Not to talk about others, as well!
Cyber prostor je svačiji. Ali i ničiji.
Cyber area belongs to everybody. And to nobody.
Mostar ni skoro godinu dana od izbora nema gradonačelnika. Pameti još odavno.
Mostar does not have a Mayor for almost a year. Intelligence does not had for a long time.
Amerikanci prave ratnu luku u Neumu! Nije šala, ali boli...
Americans will build war harbor in Neum! It is not a joke, but hurts…
Endless pain: Jugoslavija je umrla 1990.g. Rodila se!
Endless pain: Yugoslavia died in 1990. Born in that year!
Osnovni san svakog muškarca: Oženjen, slobodan, kurvar i švaler.
Basic dream of every man: Married, free, womanizer and looking for concubines.
Tata, ko je balija?
Pitaj Josipa Broza, sine. On je na sva pitanja imao odgovore!
Dad, who is Balija? Please, do ask Josip Broz, dear son. He had the answers on all questions!
Sarajevo je krenulo putem mira. Mire se polako vraćaju u grad.
Sarajevo is on the road towards Peace. Peaces are slowly returning back into the city.
Banja Luka bi rado iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Možda na Havaje?
Banja Luka would like to go outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Maybe, on Hawaii?
Mostar je hrvatski stolni grad. Jeste, ako je u pitanju: tvrda stolica!
Mostar is an Croatian chair city. Yes, if we are talking about: hard chair!
Neće Bošnjak Srbinu na noge. Al', pod noge sam leti!
Bosniak does not want to go on the Serbs feet. But, under that he flies on its own!
Srbin i Hrvat su kao Bošnjak. Ali mogu oni biti i drugačiji!
Serb and Croat are like Bosniak. But, they can be different!
Ima satiričara pozera i samoreklamera. Poziraju samoreklamirajući se.
There are satiric writers who poses and self-advertise. They are posing by self-advertising.
Malena je postala velika. Ali, bomba je bomba.
Little one become bigger. But, the bomb is…the bomb.
Pucaj, ne možeš mi ništa! Mušica topu reče.
Shoot, you can not harm me! Fly said to the cannon.
Trava je zelena, nebo je plavo a zemlja je crna. Kao duša ovdašnja!
Grass is green, the sky is blue and the soil is black. Like the soul over here!
Visoki predstavnik u B(iH) je kao ping-pong loptica.
Em što ga bacaju tamo-vamo, em što on non-stop traži još!
High representative in B(iH) is like ping-pong ball. Not only that they are throwing him here and there, but also he asks for more all the time!
Bježao sam na more! Granica me je zaustavila.
I was running away to the sea! Border line has stopped me.
Ja sam najveći! Reče žohar u krilu čovjeka.
I am the biggest. Said cockroach in the lap of the man.
Puče stijena i poteče voda. I tako već 497 godina. Na Ajvatovici, Prusac, BiH.
Al, što sam žedan, da ne pričam!
The stone has been brokoen and water flew: And for almost 497 years. On Ajvatovica, Prusac, BiH. But, I am still thirsty!

Mogu li Bošnjakom ostati? Bez džamije, krađe i licemjerja!
Can I become Bosniak? Without the mosque, stilling and hypocrisy!
Nisam Srbin al' ni Hrvat. I boli me...pravo!
I am not Serb but not also not even a Croat. And it hurts…really!
Etimološki, riječ Bošnjak potiče od riječi Bosna. Šta to bješe?
Etymology said: Bosniak came out from Bosnia. What was that?
Neću da služim nikome! No, za sve ima prvi put...
I do not want to serve nobody. But. There is always first time for everything.
Manje zemlje sa više obrazovanih a manje znanja nigdje na svijetu nema. Pogađate li već o kojoj zemlji je riječ?
Smaller country with more educated and less knowledge there is nowhere in the World. Can you guess about which country I am talking about?


Današnji političari u B(iH) su kao najbolji izdanci komunizma: Svako uzima prema vlastitim potrebama a daje u skladu sa mogućnostima.
Nowadays politicians in B(aH) are like the best outcrops of communism: Everybody takes for himself according to his/her needs and give back according to his/her possibilities.
Pitajte petnaestogodišnjake u B(iH) ko su im idoli! Mada odgovor možete potražiti u Crnim hronikama dnevnih novina!
Ask fifteen years old juveniles in BaH who are their idols! Although, answer you can search within the "black chronicles" of daily newspapers!
Srbi su nebeski narod. Hrvati su od stoljeća sedmog. A muslimani, da ne kažem Bošnjaci? Jednostavnošću zrače!
Serbs are the heavenly people. Croats since the seventh century a.c. And Muslims, not to mentioned Bosniaks? Emanate with simplicity!
Zakletva je kada parlamentarac u BIH voli svoju zemlju kao džep svoj!
Oath is when the Member of Parliament of BaH loves his country as he loves his own pocket!
Jednakost, sloboda i domovina/otadžbina. Na račun drugoga i drugačijega!
Equality, freedom and homeland. On the account of another and different one!
Ovako je kada se rješavaju posljedice a ne uzroci, jula 2009.g.: SDA i SBiH će vratiti diplomatske pasoše Evropskoj komisiji. Muslimanijo, dobro nam došla!
This is when you are solving consequences and not causes, July 2009: SDA and SBiH (Bosniak Muslim parties) will return diplomatic passport to the European Commission. Muslim country, you are more than welcome!
Sastali se ministar i pjesnik. Prvi ne zna da li je doš'o a drugi gdje je poš'o!
Minister and Poet have a meeting. The first one does not know if he has arrived and another one where he should go!
Pojedinac nije množina. Ali je daleko od jednine! Individual is not a plural. But he/she is so far away from the singular!
Da li znate ko su dobri književnici a loši ljudi? Isti oni koji su dobri ljudi a loši književnici!
Do you know who are good authors-writers and bad people? The same ones who are good people and bad authors-writers!
Malo im je bilo što su podijelili osnovne, srednje škole i Univerzitete/Sveučilišta u B(iH). Vrtići im dodju kao desert!
There was not enough for them to divide primary and secondary schools, and Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kindergarten comes right on time as dessert!
Ogovaraju me! Dobro je, još ne tuku.
They are gossiping about me! It's good. Nobody is beating me. Yet!
Književnik  Željko Ivanković je obrnuto proporcionalan Iranskoj ambasadi u Sarajevu. Moj glas za kolegu Ivankovića. Molim te, bez Miljenka Jergovića, reis ulleme Slobodne Dalmacije ratne, molim te...Writer Zeljko IVankovic is in a reverse way proportional to the Iranian embassy in Sarajevo. My vote goes to colleague Ivanković. Just, please, without Miljenko Jergović, reisu ullem of war newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija.


Od kada se promijenio, on i više nije isti!
Since he has changed, he is not the same any more!
Poslije rata su nam podijelili certifikate sa kojima smo kupili sopstvene stanove. Ostalo je pripalo njima!...
After the war they gave us certificates with which we bought our own flats. The rest belong to them!...
Život je jedan. Samo se više puta umire!
There is only one life. But you die more than once!
Mediokriteti su osrednje vrijednosti pretpostavljenih sudbina. Oni drugi su, pak, pretpostavljene vrijednosti osrednjih sudbina.
Mediocrities are average values of the assumed destinies. The other ones are, although, assumed values of average destinies.
Ako su ljudi nastali od majmuna onda su majmuni nastali od...ljudi!
If the people came out from the monkeys, than the monkeys came out...from the people!
U nedjelju, 12.7.2009.g., gostujući kod Aleksandra Stankovića, u "Nedjeljom u dva", Vladimir Šeks,
dopredsjednik Hrvatskog sabora izjavio da nema stav o novom Zakonu o oplodnji u Hrvatskoj. Da ima mogućnost da bude oplodjen, itekako bi ga imao.
Mlade pisce savjetujem, ako mi dozvole, naravno, da uvijek ostanu...mladi. Jedino tako će svaki poraz biti pobjeda. Zbog čega? Jer, tada ni ne znamo razlikovati pobjede...od poraza!
Young writers I would like kindly to advise, if the y allow me, to stay forever...young. Only doing that every defeat will be victory. Why? Because, when we are young do not know to make a difference between defeat and victory!
Most interesting people are those who are friends on FB and do nothing. Or, with doing that - doing everything by all means - in what they know - do nothing!
Najinteresantije osobe su one koji su prijatelji na FB i ne rade ništa! Ili, baš sa time rade sve u doslovnom smislu te riječi u onome što znaju - ne raditi ništa!
Zabrana je najsladje voće. Samo rijetko uspijeva! Forbidden is the most sweetest fruit. But very rarely grows up!
Špijunaža je suptilni oblik predigre. Onaj koji daje uvijek bolje prodje od onoga koji prima. A ponekad i obrnuto!
..Espionage is a subtle shape of the foreplay. The one who gives always has a better position than the one who accepts. But sometimes is also vice versa!...
Mogli smo umrijeti jučer. I radujte se svakom novom danu jer ovdje su noći sve duže, a dani sve kraći. Oni ljudski! We could have died yesterday. And, please, do enjoy in every new day because the nights are here longer and longer, and days are shorter and shorter. Human kinds...Of day and night!
Demokratija u B(iH) je punoljetna - devetnaest joj je godina. A što je nevina, da ne pričam!
Democracy in B(iH) is mature-nineteen years old. Please, do not let me talk about innocence of it!
Kada ubiješ jednu osobu, ti si zločinac. Kada ubiješ milione, ti si narodni heroj.
When you kill one person, you are villain. When you kill the millions, you are the people hero!
Ne postoji vakcina za novu gripu. Postoji, ali još nije otkrivena!
There is not vaccine for the new flue. Yes, it does exist, but have not been discovered yet!
Sunce je planeta koja život daje. Samo je problem što ne znamo koje je nacionalnosti?!
The Sun is the planet which gives life to everything. But, the problem is that we do not know which race, nationality and/or ethnicity is?!
Organizovani kriminal vlasti ne postoji u Bosni (iHercegovini). Postoji samo vlast kriminilizirane organizacije!
Organized crime of the Government does not exist in Bosnia (and Herzegovina). Exists only the
Government of the criminal organization!


Budućnost je sjajna. Do tačke ključanja!
Future is brilliant. Until the boiling point!
Velika bol je nijema!
Great pain is mute!
Film je lažna slika stvarnoga svijeta. Šta je onda politika? Stvarna slika lažnoga svijeta!
The movie is the false picture of the real World. What is than the politics? Real picture of the false World!
Ja mislim. Zbog toga sam gladan!
I think. Therefore I am hungry!
"Smrt bandi. Sloboda alternativi!"
"Death to the Gang. Freedom to the alternative!"
"Postoje dva svijeta: Jedan moj i onaj pravi."
"Existem dois mundos: O primeiro é o meu, o outro é o verdadeiro".
"Il existe edeux mondes. Le premier c'est le mien, le deuxieme c'est le vrai."
"There are two Worlds. Mine and the real one."
Ljudi su kao rijeka. Čisti na izvoru a prljavi na ušću...
Human beings are like river. Pure at the source of the river and dirty on the delta (mouth).
Nisam želio biti dio stada. Sada lutam bespućem sopstvene sudbine!
I did not want to be a part of the flock. Now I am wandering aroun no man's land of my own destiny!
Od danas sam BRESKVA. I neću da se miješam sa KRUŠKAMA I TREŠNJAMA.
As of today I am a peach. And do not want to mix with pears and cherries.
Prije rata portir. Danas stranački šef u Bugojnu, BiH. Prije rata čistačica. Danas predsjednik Ustavnog suda u BiH, Sarajevo. Istina je...Bolna...
Before the war doorkiper. Today party leader in Bugojno, BiH, Before the war cleaning lady. Today president of the Constituion Court in BIH. It is the painfull truth...
Danas je najlakše pisac biti. Kako to? Na prostoru gdje vladaju nepismeni la(h)ko je pisac biti. Kako to? A što si dosadan. Pa zato!
Today is the most easiest way to be a writer. How is that? Within the area where illiterate govern it is easy to be a writer. How is that? Why you are so annoying? That's why!
Prije devetnaest godina su bili drugovi! Danas su gospoda! Ljudi nigdje nema!
Nineteen years ago they were comrades! Today, they are gentry! People does not exist anywhere!
Mislim, dakle postojim! Decarte, moj...Postim, dakle mislim!
I think, that I am! My dear Descartes...I am fasting, that I am!
Komunizam je bio propast za milione širom svijeta. Kapitalizam, anpak, za milijarde!
Communism was a disaster for the millions around the World. Capitalism, by all means, for the billions!
Mijenja se Ustav. Posljednji put kada smo ga mijenjali došlo je do rata!
The Constitution is going to be changed. Last time when we changed it, the War has appeared!
Vrijeme ne prolazi jer ne postoji. Mi prolazimo, jer smo postojali!
Time is not passing by because it does not exist. We are passing by, because we have existed!
A ti, zemljo draga, ne plači. I ovo će se zvati jučer. Ono dobro...jučer.
And, my dear country, please do not cry. We will call this a good thing. Yesterday's good thing...
Nestaje li slika istine na ovim prostorima? No, zar je nekada i postojala?
Is the picture of the truth on these areas vanishing? But, was it ever existed?
Čudni su putevi gospodnji. Samo ih on vidi!
God moves in a mysterious way. He only sees them!
Nisam član nijedne stranke/partije. Ali, doći će i moje vrijeme!
I am not a member of any party. But my time will come!
Nisam se nikada stidio svoga imena i porijekla. A znam ih što se ne sjećaju ničega do 1990.g.
I was never shame of my name and heritage. But, I know many of them who does not remember anything until 1990.
U B(iH) je u toku polemika oko Stećaka i pripadnosti istih. Dok dodju do XXI vijeka, mi ćemo već biti u X-om! Vijeku!
In this current moment there is a discussion in BiH about old tombstones. Until tehy comes to the XXI century, we will be in Xth!


Uspostaviti mediokritetstku vlast više nije problem. Problem je što drugačijih više i nema!
To establish the Government full with mediocrity is not a problem any more. The problem is that others than them does not exist at all!
Stiven Spelberg nije izmislio E.T.-ja Bilo je vice versa!
Steven Speielberg did not invent ET. It was vice versa!
Gnjuračko odjelo je, izmedju ostalog, za one koji bi i kada se uvlače u dupe, da ostanu čisti!
Diving suite is, among other things, for those who would like, while getting into the someone ass, to stay clean!
Agitacija je kada djeluješ na mase. Manipulacija je kada to i uspiješ!
Agitation is when you are acting towards masses. Manipulation is when you succeed in it!
Sunce izlazi na Istoku. Kada se gleda sa Zemlje.
Sun is rising up on the East. When you are watching that from the Earth.
Džehennem je druga riječ za Pakao. Razlike nema. Značajne!
Džehennem is different word for Hell. There is no difference. Significant!
Vrijeme ljubavi polako prolazi...Vrijeme ljubavi polako dolazi...I opet...I opet...
Time of love slowly passes by...Time of love slowly arriving...And again...and again
Budućnosti na ovim prostorima nikada i nije bilo. Ovdje su postojala samo intermezza izmedju sivila ratova.
The future within this areas never existed. Here only existed intermezzos between grayness of the wars.
Domovina je kao ljubav. Boli bez prestanka! Homeland is like a love. Pain never stops!
Evropa nas upozorava. Dosta nam je upozorenja! Možemo mi i gore! Europe is warning us. We are sick of those warnings! We can do even worse!
Dvadeseti vijek je iza nas. A mi smo još uvijek u devetnaestom!
Twentieth century is behind us. But, we are still in the ninetieth century!
Radnici su na ulicama. Od 1848.g!
Workers are on the streets. Since 1848!
Manje zemlje sa više obrazovanih a manje znanja nigdje na svijetu nema. Pogađate li već o kojoj zemlji je riječ? Smaller country with more educated and smaller knowledge does not exist anywhere in the World. Knowing already about which country I am talking about?
Imam prijatelja koji je prošao kroz školu. Ali nije ona kroz njega!
I have a friend who went through the school. But, school did not go through him!
Zbog čega me ne vole pravovjernici? Jer nisam član ni teističke ali ni ateističke stranke!
Why real believers do not like me? Because I am not a member either theistic or atheistic party!
Milica je bila Srpkinja. Mehmed je bio Musliman a Mate Hrvat ili vice versa. Bračnim trouglom se to nekad zvalo. A sada?
Milica was a Serbian. Mehmed was Muslim and Mate was Croat or vice versa. Marriage triangle that use to be called once upon a time. How to call that today?
Neću da služim nikome! No, za sve ima prvi put...
I do no want to serve nobody! But, there is always first time for everything...
Historija je učiteljica života. Ako je mlađa od trideset, dolazi u obzir kod mene! History is the teacher of the life. If she is younger than thirty years old, you can count on me!
Domovina je moja druga ljubav. Zbog toga je i tako mala.
My Homeland is my second love. Because of that is so small!
Probudih se jutros u zemlji blagostanja. Ne bješe to na ovoj planeti! I woke up this morning in the country of social well-being. It was not on this planet!
Ovo će sigurno biti moj dan! Uzviknu leptir i poleti ka svjetlu. This is going to be my day. Exclaimed butterfly and take off towards the light!
Vidio sam budućnost ovih prostora! Bila je ružičasta. U crnilu svome!
I have seen the future of this area! It was pink. Within its blackness!
Želimo promjene! Ne po svaku cijenu.
We want changes! But, still...


Prevariti državu i ženu su dvije različite stvari. Ona prva lakše oprosti!
To cheat a country and your wife are two different things. The first one easily forgive!
Njemu je devetnaest godina. Mrzi drugoga i drugačijega. I živi na području bivše Jugoslavije. Aferim demokratijo!
He is 19 years old. And he hates other and different one. And he lives within the area of former Yugoslavia. Congratulation for democracy!
Moj nikada nedosanjani san: Onaj ko ne mijenja svoje mišljenje je ili lud ili je on taj što kreira mišljenja drugih.
My never encircled dream: The one who does not change his opinion is either crazy or he is the one who creates other people opinions.
Oni traže podobne a ne sposobne. A šta ćemo sa onima koji su i jedno i drugo?
They are looking for suitable ones and not capable ones. And what about those who has both virtues?
Kako sve može nestati u trenu...Ali, ljubav ostaje. Kao dio onog 21 grama.
Duše! Everything can disappaer within the seconds....But, love stays. As the part of that 21 gram. Of the Soul !
Ako svi samo na trenutak pomislimo da onaj drugi i drugačiji jeste moj prijatelj, učinićemo Svijet boljim mjestom življenja. Jer, samo njega i imamo, ili ne?
If we all just for moment thought that the other one and different one is my friend, we will make the the World a better place for living. Because, this is the only one that we have, haven't we?
Šutljivi, mutni mediokriteti nam kreiraju realnu stvarnost. I tako već stoljećima/vjekovima. Dok ne dodju na vlast. A tada...vidite i sami.
Tacit, blurred mediocres are creating our reality. And it continues for centuries. Until they get on power. And than...You can see for yourself.
Zamislite zemlju u kojoj su najbolje plaćeni: policajci, bolničari, vatrogasci, učitelji i rudari. A zatim otvorite oči!
Think within your mind about the country in which the best salaries has: policeman, nurses, fireman, teacher and miners/colliers. And than open your eyes!
Bježati možeš samo do sljedećeg suočenja sa samim sobom. Već tamo te čeka nastavak očaja! You can run away until the next facing with your being. Over there will be expecting you the continuance of despair!
Pojedinačni cilj je ubio opće/opšte sredstvo.
Individual goal has killed general mean.
BH 2009: Stalno nas huškaju jedne na druge. Kao da ne znaju da je to već u genima?
All the time they are pushing us against each other. Like they do not know that it is already in our genes!
Putujem prostorima bivše Jugoslavije. Razlike nema. U pejzažu.
I am travelling all around area of former Yugoslavia. There is no difference. In landscape.
Europa: Contradictio in adjecto! Bosna (i Hercegovina): I ja tebi, jarane?!
Europe: Contradictio in adjecto! Bosnia and Herzegovina: Me to too for you, pal...
Sunce ovdje ni ne izlazi svakome. I ono je pri(h)vatizirano.
Not even the Sun is going out (shining) here for everybody. It's also privatised or "accepted".


Kada prevariš jednog čovjeka ti si prevarant. Kada prevariš čitav narod, ti si političar.
If you imposture one person, you are duper. When you imposture all people, you are politician.
Ne osvrćite se na one koji ogovaraju. Činjenice su njihov nedosanjani san!
Do not pay attention for those who are gossiping. The facts are their never slept over dream!
Nije teško pisati knjige. Teško je znati pisati!
It is not difficult to write the books. It is difficult to know how to write!
B(iH) ima svoj istok i zapad: Srbiju i Hrvatsku. Šta bi dao da si na mom mjestu, pita Bosanac Palestinca?..
BH has its own East and West: Serbia and Croatia. What would you give to be on my place of position, asks Bosnian to the Palestinian?
Linija autoputa 5c će kroz Počitelj! Počitelj je grad Muzej. Papcima su takvi najdraži.
The line of the 5c Higway will go through Počitelj: Počitelj is the museum city. Jerks like mostly this kind.
Srbi imaju rezervnu domovinu. Hrvati također. Bošnjaci....A tko su oni?
Serbs has, as reserve, other homeland. Croats also. And the Bosniacs?....Who are they?
Bježim u sivilo sutrašnjice. Blijedilom današnjice!
I am running away into the lividness of tomorrow. Using the contemporary pale!
Kažu mi da nisam podoban. Ali, ja jesam...sposoban!
They told me that I am not suitable. But, I am...capable!
Morbidan sam. Još uvijek tražim tri obroka dnevno!
I am gruesome. Still looking for the three meals per day!
Smrt je realnost mogućeg. Život je virtualnost nemogućeg.
Death is the reality of possible. Life is the virtuality of impossible.
Jučer sam položio kamen temeljac na mjestu gdje je Gavrilo Princip ubio Ferdinanda. Za nova stopala koja će doći!
Yesterday, I have laid down a basic stone on the place where Gavrilo Princip has killed Franc Ferdinand. For the new feet that will come!
Mislio sam da jesam. Dok sam bio.
I thought that I am. While I was.
Srbi, Hrvati, Slovenci, Crnogorci, Makedonci, Albanci i ostali su moji prijatelji. Al' nemojte da to niko čuje! Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, Montenegrin, Macedonians, Albanians and others are my friends. But, please, do not let anybody hear that!
Da li ima Boga? Odgovor znaju bivši komunisti!
Is there a God? Answer knows former communists!
U socijalizmu je sve bilo trulo. Sa kapitalizmom je ciklus završen.
In socialism everything was rotten. With capitalism cycle finished.


Danas svi misle da znaju sve o svemu. Jučer je isto bilo....
Today everybody thinks that they know everything about anything. Yesterday it was the same...
Organizovana anarhijo, ime ti je Bosna (iHercegovina).
Organized anarchy, your name is Bosnia (and Herzegovina).
Duh provincije ne postoji. Postoji samo provincija duha.
Spirit of province does not exist. Exists only Province of spirit.
Ljubav je kao planinska rijeka. Ispunjenja brzacima, padovima, vrtlozima i mirnim ušćem. Na kraju života samog.
Love is like a mountain river. Filled with fast currents, falls, eddies and calm delta. At the end of the life.
Pozivamo najtraženije kriminalce na svijetu da slobodno dodju u Bosnu (iHercegovinu). Ovdje vam dlaka sa glave neće faliti. Još ako ste nacionalno osvješteni!
We would like to invite all the criminals of the World to freely come in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this country not even a pile will not fall from the hair. Not to talk about issues that helps you if you are awaken in National way...
Na Balkanu je jedina stvar oko koje se uvijek svi jednoglasno možemo dogovoriti...RAT!
On Balkans the only thing about which we can all agree unanimosly is...WAR!
H1N1 će zaobići Bosnu (iHercegovinu). Neće grom u koprive!
H1N1 will balk Bosnia (and Herzegovina). Thunder will not strike nettles!
U Sandžaku je na pomolu građanski rat! Kako to kad su tamo samo Muslimani?
In Sandzak very soon will be a civil war! How that can happen if we know that only Muslims live there?
Zbog čega sve države nastale iz bivše SFRJ ne bi bile moje domovine? Jer, svi smo se rodili u Jugoslaviji. Bar mi rodjeni do 1991.g!
Why all the states which were established after the collapse of Yugoslavia could not be my homelands? Because, all of us were born in Yugoslavia. At least us born until 1991!
Najljepša bajka ovih prostora: Srbi, Hrvati i Bošnjaci su jedan narod!
The most beatiful fairy tale from this region: Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats are one people!
U Sarajevu pada kiša. Odmah je Banja Luka sunčanija.
Its raining in Sarajevo. Banja Luka immediately have more sun.
Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Zapadni Mostar. Fakat su Hrvati najmanje dobili!
Sarajevo, Banja, Luka, Zapadni Mostar. The Croats really gets the smallest part!
Sarajevo 2009.g.: Godinu dana je od kada je u tramvaju ubijen mladi Denis Mrnjavac. Devetnaest je godina od kada su ubili čovjeka u meni!
One year passed away since young Denis Mrnjavac was killed in Sarajevo tram. It is nineteen years since they have killed a person in me!


Voda je kao ljudi. Čista na izvoru a prljava na ušću! Water is like people.
Clean on the wellspring and dirty on the estuary!
Činiti nešto je obaveza! Nečinjenje je, pak, genetski kod B(iH) naroda.
To do something is an obligation! Doing nothing is, nevertheless, genetic code of BiH people!
U Americi si Amerikanac. U Bosni (iHercegovini) si sve drugo samo ne Bosanac i Hercegovac!
In USA you are American. In Bosnia and Hercegovina you are everything else but Bosnian and Herzegovinian!
Budi se Istok i Zapad. Budi se Sjever i Jug. Ali, nikako da ustane!
The East and West are awakening! The North and South are awakening! But, no way to stand up.
Govoriti o slobodi govora u B(iH) možemo samo ako prije toga zatvorimo sve one koji o njoj govore!
To talk about the freedom of the speech in Bosnia (and Herzegovina) we can only if, prior to that, we put in jail all of those who talks about it!
U B(iH) je na djelu segregacija u školama. Svako ide u svoj razred, pardon...stado! In Bosnia (and Herzegovina) we have segregation in schools. Everybody goes to his own class, sorry...herd!
Poslije rata su govorili: „Nikada više sa njima zajedno!“ Danas Srbi, Bošnjaci i Hrvati nisu zajedno. Ali, oni jesu!
After the war they have said:"Never again with them together" Today Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats are not together. But, they are!
Ukupan zbir naučnog znanja ljudi na vlasti jednak je veličini njihovog moralnog ugleda.
Batch total of the scientific knowledge of the people on power is equal to the size of their moral
Ne zna se uzrok za H1N1. Pa, to su svinje...iz ŽIVOTINJSKE FARME! Nobody knows the cause for the appearance of H1N1...Hej, the cause are the pigs...from the ANIMAL FARM!
Mislio sam da sam pisac. Dok me nisu pročitali... I thought I was a writer. Until they red me...
Vrijeme ne prolazi jer i ne postoji. Mi prolazimo. Jer smo postojali.
Time is not passing by because it does not exist. We are passing by. Because we have existed.
Ja mislim. Zbog toga sam gladan!
I am thinking. Because of that, I am hungry!
Čovječiji mozak je neiskorišten 80 %. U Bosni i Hercegovini se radi o 100 %!
Human brain is not use within 80 % capacity. In Bosnia and Herzegovina we are talking about 100 %!
Mnogo je mina zaostalih iz rata u B(iH). A da o gluposti ne govorim!
There are a lot of mines left over after the war in BiH. Not to talk about the stupidity as well!
Danas svi misle da znaju sve o svemu. Jučer je isto bilo.
Today everybody thinks that knows everything about everything. Yesterday, it was the same.
Evropska unija kao srednji prst...pardon, put.
European Union as middle finger...sorry, road.